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This is a quick update to inform you about a few things regarding student drop-off and pick-up.
Please DO NOT drop off students on Richland Road.
Richland road has RED curbs near and by the entrance to the Mission Hills staff parking lot and is a No Stopping and No Parking Zone. For everyone's safety, please remember to adhere to these traffic laws.The sheriff’s department has been on site to ticket motorists when traffic laws are not followed.
The Admin Parking Lot (in front of the administration building) is closed 30 mins prior to the end of the school day.This decision was made in conjunction with law enforcement last year, and is a precautionary measure to allow for emergency personnel access. Please respect this policy, and have patience with our campus supervisors. Please remember to adhere to all traffic laws while using Mission Hills Court. Strategize with your student about a pick up plan that keeps everyone safe.
When using the drop-off lane along Mission Road, please pull all the way forward to allow your student to exit. Do not stop at the stairs, as this creates a significant backup on the main road. See the diagram below.
The Student Lot is extremely busy at the end of the day; please be extremely careful of pedestrians and be patient with each other as you exit the lot. Similar to how traffic flows at the SD airport, please use the lanes accordingly and do not double park, or park along the red curb or in unmarked spaces. All areas surrounding our campus are congested during these times, and all members of our community have a role to play in student safety. Students: make sure to only use designated crosswalks when navigating our roads.
Look twice for e-bike riders and bicyclists. There have been reports of several accidents in our county with regards to e-bikes. Students are required to wear helmets while riding, and obey the laws of the road just as non-electric bikes. Drivers in vehicles should practice enhanced awareness of their surroundings, as students on e-bikes can be hard to see.
Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students safe as they arrive at and depart our campus.
--Mission Hills Administration and Campus Security

No Parking in Nearby Small Business, Hollandia, and Residential Areas
Please utilize the school parking lot drop off and pick ups for all Mission Hill students. Thank you for respecting the nearby businesses, homes, and parks. Thank you.