Life Science Course Descriptions

Life Science Course Descriptions




Grade level: 9 

A-G Designation: D - Science 

This is a college prep lecture/laboratory course based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that includes the following instructional segments: Ecosystem's Interaction, Stability and Response to Climate Change, Photosynthesis and Respiration, Evolution, Growth, Structure and Function of Cells. Students will carry out investigations, use computational skills to analyze data, design solutions using engineering practices, and use language skills to relate relevant information. This class is a graduation requirement. As students achieve the Performance Expectations (PEs) within the unit, they uncover Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) from Physical Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering. In each unit students engage in multiple Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) as tools to make sense of their observations and investigations.


Grade level: 9

A-G Designation: D - Science 

During the academic year, students will learn how to apply scientific processes to analyze and solve problems by interpreting scientific data and drawing logical conclusions. The class will be unique in that it integrates the sciences (marine biology, earth science, chemistry, and physics), presenting them as a single area of study in Oceanography.  Emphasis will be on developing process laboratory skills including data collection and analysis, evaluation of information, and oral and written communication of experimental results.  Students will begin learning about oceans by first being introduced to our planet Earth and plate tectonics.  Oceanography topics covered will include basic navigation, marine provinces, marine sediments, bathymetry (including erosional features due to submarine rivers and turbidite deposits, seamounts vs. guyots, and coral reef evolution), the properties of water including ocean currents, and the oceans and climate change (with subtopics that include waves, tides, and coastal geology).  Marine biology topics covered will include cells, genetics and traits, evolution and natural selection as well as adaptations of some pelagic and benthic organisms, and ecosystems interactions including marine food webs.  The course will conclude with students evaluating how climate change may impact the oceans, coastlines, and marine organisms and habitats.  


Grade: 10-12 

Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in Biology and a B or better in Chemistry recommended. 

A-G Designation: G - College Prep Elective 

This is a university level lecture/laboratory course taught in accordance with College Board standards. Topics covered include biochemistry, ecology, genetics, anatomy, physiology, evolution, animal behavior, molecular and cell biology, and plant and animal physiology. Instruction is differentiated in order to provide the depth, complexity, novelty, and pacing required by State gifted standards and to prepare for the Advanced Placement Program. Students are expected to take the AP Biology test in the spring and have the opportunity to receive college credit. 


Grade level: 11-12 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of one year of physical science, and one year of life science 

A-G Designation: G - College Prep Elective 

Forensic science is the application of multiple scientific disciplines to the investigation of criminal or civil questions of the law. Forensics science utilizes the principles, facts, and lab techniques from the fields of chemistry, biology, physics, earth science, anatomy and physiology to analyze and interpret evidence within the realm of our legal system. We will begin with an introduction to scientific inquiry and the process of forensic investigation. We will then apply our knowledge of investigation to the analysis of trace evidence (hair, fiber, fingerprints, etc.), DNA, blood, bodies, ballistics, toxicology, entomology, botany and anthropology. Students will actively participate in labs and activities relating to the investigation of crime scenes and the analysis of evidence while developing their writing, problem solving and critical thinking skills. In addition, the ethical, legal, and social concerns surrounding forensics will be discussed. This course meets the University of California and California State University entrance requirements. 


Grade level: 11-12 

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Biology (H, P, or Biomed) and C of better in Chemistry recommended. A-G Designation: G - College Prep Elective 

Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors is a course for students who are interested in an in-depth understanding of the structures and functions of the human body. It was significantly greater depth than college preparatory anatomy and Physiology requiring application, analysis, and evaluation of the material, the understanding and use of concepts as well as facts regarding the interrelatedness of the human body systems. This course is recommended for those pursuing a career in the health science field in college. It has a substantial laboratory component, including several dissections, which will complement lectures, discussion and demonstrations. This course has been approved for a weighted grade through the University of California (UC).

Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy and Physiology (P)

Grade Level: 10 – 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Year

Prerequisite: Biology P, HP recommended UC/CSU

This course is designed for students interested in health/medical sciences careers. Topics will include cell biochemistry, bones, muscles, skin, senses, urinary system, nutrition and digestion, respiratory system, circulatory system, and human reproduction.

Human Anatomy and Physiology (H)
Grade Level: 11-12 ............................................. .Year

Prerequisite: C or Better in Biology (HP, P, or MedBio) and C or better in Chemistry UC/CSU
Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors is a course for students who are interested in an in-depth understanding of
the structures and functions of the human body. It was significantly greater depth than college preparatory anatomy
and Physiology requiring application, analysis, and evaluation of the material, the understanding and use of concepts
as well as facts regarding the interrelatedness of the human body systems. This course is recommended for those
pursuing a career in the health science field in college. It has a substantial laboratory component, including several
dissections, which will complement lectures, discussion and demonstrations.

Forensic Science (P)
Grade Level: 11-12 ...................................... .Year

Prerequisite: Completion of one year of physical science and one year of Life Science
Forensic science is the application of multiple scientific disciplines to the investigation of criminal or civil questions
of the law. Forensics science utilizes the principles, facts, and lab techniques from the fields of chemistry, biology,
physics, earth science, anatomy and physiology to analyze and interpret evidence within the realm of our legal
system. We will begin with an introduction to scientific inquiry and the process of forensic investigation. We will
begin with an introduction to scientific inquiry and the process of forensic investigation. We will then apply our
knowledge of investigation to the analysis of trace evidence (hair, fiber, fingerprints, etc.), DNA, blood, bodies,
ballistics, toxicology, entomology, botany and anthropology. Students will actively participate in labs and activities
relating to the investigation of crime scenes and the analysis of evidence while developing their writing, problem
solving and critical thinking skills. In addition, the ethical, legal, and social concerns surrounding forensics will be
discussed. This course meets the University of California and California State University entrance requirements.

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