Hours of Operation
- The library is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM.
- Please bring your student ID with you or know your number.
Checking Out Library Books
- Students will need their MHHS ID card or know their ID number to place holds or check out books.
- Students may browse our catalog using Destiny Discover. Go to destiny.discover.com, enter in California for location and Mission Hills High School for school name to access the catalog.
- Library book check outs are for 4 weeks.
- NO LATE FINES! Please return your books!
- Fines are assessed for damaged books. Fines are assessed according to severity of damage. Student may be charged the replacement cost of the damaged book.
- Please notify library staff of damage found immediately to avoid responsibility for damages.
- We offer eBooks and audiobooks through Sora, the student eBook platform from Overdrive. Ask a library staff member for more information on accessing Sora.
Textbook information
- All textbooks are due on the last day of the school year.
- Dropped a class? Please bring your textbook back to us ASAP!
- Fines are assessed for DAMAGED BOOKS.
- Please notify library staff of damage found immediately to avoid responsibility for damages.
- The library currently only accepts CASH or CHECK as payment for fines.
Chromebook information
- Each student at MHHS may check out a district-owned Chromebook and charger for school use.
- Students are required to bring their Chromebook and charger to school with them each and every day.
- Personal devices are ok, however we cannot guarantee that all school software or programs will work on personal devices.
- If a student forgets to bring their Chromebook to school, the library has a LIMITED number of LOANER Chromebooks available for day-use only, on a first-come-first-served basis. All LOANER Chromebooks are due back the library by 4:00 PM the same day as check-out.
- Currently the library does NOT offer loaner chargers.
- The full replacement cost for a Chromebook is $300.
- The full replacement cost for a Chromebook charger is $25.
- Chromebook-book related fines may only be waived per admin.
- Chromebook-related fines are collected by library staff either in the library or the textbook office. We currently only accept CASH or CHECK.