Grizzly Freshman Orientation is coming! See you in August!
Kick off your freshman year with Mission Hills High School’s Freshman Orientation.
At this event, every 9th grader will be “linked up“ with a current upperclassmen leader to help you be successful as a Grizzly. So be sure to come out in August and start your high school career off right!
Past Freshman Orientation

*This orientation is for incoming 9th grade MHHS students only.
Cocoa and Cram
THIS FRIDAY 12/13 3:30-5:30p
@mhhslinkcrew for more info
Join Link Crew for Cocos and Cram, a study session designed to help freshmen prepare for their first round of high school finals! Enjoy delicious baked goods, hot chocolate, and apple cider while getting tutoring support in all core subjects. It’s the perfect way to study, relax, and feel confident before your exams!