
Pre-Participation Physical Exam (PPE) Information   *All clearance forms must be turned in before any participation in athletics. Athletic Clearance must be completed every school year.* ***PHYSICALS MUST BE DATED ON OR AFTER 6/1/24 FOR THE 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR***
Before you hand in your physical please make sure you have the following items: 1. Medical History Questionnaire (Filled out to the best of your ability, signed, and dated) 2. Completed ONLINE PORTION: Home Campus- Athletic Clearance 3. Online Confirmation Page (Initialed, signed and dated) *This will be automatically emailed after completing step 2. 4. Pre-Participation Physical Exam (Completed by MD, DO, NP, or PA, with wet signature, date, and stamp)

Clearances can be turned in at the Finance office Monday through Friday. *The finance office is located at the front office on the west end of campus.*
*Physicals are good for an entire school year. Turn it in EARLY*
Cheer, Dance, Marching Band, & Color Guard. Due before first practice

FALL: Football - Due by July 26 Girls' Volleyball - Due by July 26 Boys' Water Polo - Due by July 26 Field Hockey - Due by July 26 Cross Country - Due by August 1 Girls' Flag Football - Due by August 1 Girls' Golf - Due by August 1 Girls' Tennis - Due by August 1 

 WINTER: Boys/Girls Basketball - Due by November 1 Boys/Girls Soccer - Due by November 1 Girls' Water Polo - Due by November 1 Boys/Girls Wrestling - Due by November 1


Swimming - Due by January 31 Boys' Tennis - Due by January 31 Track & Field - Due by January 31 Boys' Volleyball - Due by January 31 Baseball - Due by February 7 Boys' Golf - Due by February 7 Boys/Girls Lacrosse - Due by February 7 Softball - Due by February 7 Girls' Beach Volleyball - Due by February 7

How to register and clear your NEW student-athlete

I. Go to (Or click Athletic Clearance button on the Home page).  If you do not have an account, please click register. If you have an account, please log in. If you forgot your password, click forgot password.

II. Fill in your name, username and password you prefer. It sends an email verification to the email address you use, so you have to go into your personal email and click on the link that is sent to you from (If you can not find it, check your spam or junk mail)

III. This is a new system so everyone will be treated as a first-time user. Type in Mission Hills, Choose year 2022-23 and the sport you plan to tryout for, then click submit.

IV. Here you will see the 7 STEP process.

     Step 1: Student Information. 

     Step 2:  Parent Information: 

     Step 3: Medical History. Please take the time to fill this out. This information will be used to make your student’s emergency         cards it is imperative that all information is included and correct. In case of an emergency, the coach will get your child’s               emergency card to give to the paramedics with any information that they need to know.

     Step 4: Additional Questions

     Step 5: Signature Forms. Please read through the forms that you will sign. This is very important information that you NEED          to know. You can also download these forms so you can read them when you have more time. (Please make sure parent              signature is from parent, and student signatures is students signatures, the typed ‘signature’ MUST match the name you                included on student/parent information)

     Step 6:  Upload your insurance card.

     Step 7:  Confirmation Page: Please PRINT & SIGN. You will bring this form to the finance office. 

V. You then will get an email that explains that you have REGISTERED your child, this is also your confirmation page. Once you have submitted both the physical and the confirmation page you will receive an email that states your student-athlete has been cleared.



I, LOGIN to your account at:
II. Click on Start Clearances Here! 
III. Update any new info and complete all the steps until you reach the confirmation page. Please make sure ever step is completed to the best of your ability with the most up to date, accurate information. 
IV. Print and sign the confirmation page. 


Pre-Participation Physical Form 

Student Insurance *
*In compliance with California Education Code 32221, every student-athlete must have insurance coverage for medical expenses. The insurance policy must remain in effect throughout the time they participate in sports. If you are in need of medical insurance for your student-athlete please select the link above for insurance options.*

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