Safety Statement

Mission Hills High School Safe School Plan

Principal’s Safety Assurance Statement 2021-22

This document is to be used by the school to ensure the safety of all stakeholders and to help foster and maintain a positive and nurturing school climate.
Mission HIlls High School is a safe environment on a day-to-day basis, due to the strong commitment of teachers, staff, students, and community. Nevertheless, the sudden acts of violence remind us that no community can be complacent in its effort to make schools even safer. An effective and safe school is the vital center of every community.
The Mission Hills High School Administrative team uses a proactive and collaborative approach to ensure the safety and security of our campus. Working in tandem with the Sheriff's Department, the San Marcos Fire Department, the City of San Marcos, SMUSD Risk Management, various community organizations, and our own MHHS Administration and Security teams, we regularly monitor progress and adjust our practices throughout the school year to enhance safety protocols as well as to ensure our compliance with the California Education Code sections 32280-32289 and the SMUSD governing board policies.
This Safe School Plan was developed and revised by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data relevant to student safety, discipline, emergency preparedness, emergency response, child abuse reporting, campus vulnerability, and campus traffic. Stakeholder input was solicited from our School Resource Officer, San Marcos Fire Department, Staff, Parents, and the School Site Council. The administration has made the Safety Plan Abstract (summary) available to staff in the Grizzly Staff Hub (internal communications system). We have trained staff to both know our protocols and be able to act in the event
of a security incident or emergency. In addition, all members of the staff have been trained to use situational awareness on a daily basis in order to maintain proactive security, improve communication, and reduce response times.
The goal of the staff of Mission Hills is to foster a strong school community that continually exudes a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and school pride. In order to do this, all stakeholders must work together to ensure all students and staff feel safe, welcome, and truly connected. Mission HIlls High School hopes to make a difference in the lives of all of our students, helping them become successful and
productive citizens.

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