The following are a few accounts to promote and share information and events about various MH programs, sports, and groups.
Group |
Facebook |
Instagram |
Twitter |
Mission Hills - MAIN |
@mhhs.grizzlies |
@missionhillsASB |
Athletics |
@MissionHillsAD |
Athletic Training |
@mhhs.athletictraining |
@GrizzlyATC |
@mhhs.avid |
Band |
/MHHSmusic | |
@MHHS_Band |
Black Student Union |
@mhhs.blackstudentunion |
Boys Basketball |
@mh_grizzlybball |
Careers in Education |
@mhhs_cie |
Ceramics |
@grizzlyceramics |
Cheer |
@mhhs.cheerleading |
Counseling |
/MHHSCounseling |
@mhhs_counseling |
@mhhs_counseling |
Dance Team Varsity |
@MHHSVarsityDance |
Dance Team JV |
@MHHSJVDanceTeams |
Danz d'artes/VAPA Dance |
@mhhsvapadance |
Digital Music |
@mhhs.digitalmusic |
Engineering Pathway |
@mhhsengineering |
MHHS Future Center |
@mhhs_futurecenter |
Boys Lacrosse |
@mhhsboyslax |
Library |
@librarymhhs |
Link Crew |
/MHHSLinkCrew |
@mhhslinkcrew |
@MHHSLinkCrew |
Metalsmithing |
@mhhs_metalsmithing |
ONEtv |
@onetvmissionhills |
@mhhs_plus |
@nicegrizzlies |
@mhhspto |
Robotics Club |
@team_5137 |
Silvertip (Newspaper) |
/MHHSNews |
@mhhs.silvertip |
@MHHSNews |
Softball |
Mission Hills Girls Softball |
@mhhssoftball |
Boys Volleyball |
@mhhsboysvolleyball |
Girls Volleyball |
@missionhillsgirlsvolleyball |
Yearbook |
/yearbook.mhhs |
@mhhs.ybk |
@missionhillsybk |